May 20-21, 2022 at Century II, Wichita, KS. The Kansas Homeschool Expo is all things homeschooling in Kansas! Your registration gives you full access to all of the workshops, vendors, speakers and resources at the Expo. Come visit the Coaching Corner with volunteers to answer your questions. Make it a special weekend by staying in the Hyatt Hotel at the discount rate of $109! See our website for details. General Information — Kansas Home Educators (
Full access to all workshops and vendor hall.
KSHE Members receive free registration, 1 hour of exclusive shopping on Friday from 10:00-11:00, $10 vendor bucks (if registered by 5/1), VIP check-in experience. Existing KSHE Members, use your promo code here for FREE registration: contact or find the code on the Members Only webpage. If not a KSHE member, use this option to purchase your membership & register for the Expo.
Let’s make some creative book summary activities for your kids. Bring along a favorite book to use as a sample. Choose from several different activities that you can assemble together to provide many different creative ways to summarize a book. We will also talk about the writing process and some quick ways to assemble a sandwich paragraph and more! SPACE IS LIMITED, PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Create your own Sensory "Calm Down" Bottle! Children are welcome to come and create their own, too. Sensory bottles can also be used as a timer during a time-out, or, even a "time-in" as a strategy to prevent a potential meltdown. Facilitated by a licensed pediatric occupational therapist, we will discuss therapeutic uses for your sensory bottle while teaching your child a strategy to self-regulate and get out of overwhelm. SPACE IS LIMITED, PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED
FBA is a fun opportunity for your children with science projects, art, games, athletic activities and fellowship with other homeschool students. FBA brings new experiences to students while their parents are able to enjoy the Expo. For ages 5-13. Complete FBA details:
For registering additional children - 4 or more in the same family. First three students should be registered using the above FBA option.