Kansas Homeschool Expo

Jul 17 - 18, 2020 - Century II Expo Hall


The Kansas Homeschool Expo has been cancelled due to the Sedgwick County mass gathering limit. Registration refunds will be issued as soon as possible. Questions: editor@kshomeeducators.com

The 2020 Kansas Homeschool Expo in Wichita, KS is July 17-18 (NEW DATE!) at Century II Expo Hall. Our Featured Speakers are Scott Woodruff from HSLDA and Hal & Melanie Young.

Registration is free for 2020 KSHE Members - Use PROMO code KSHEMEMBER (below) if you are a MEMBER OF KSHE/TPA.

Registration is free for First Time Attendees - Use PROMO code FIRSTTIME

Registration includes spouse. 


Registration is not open for this event.


  • Cancellation